PM - PO - Design
- The next set of tickets should be worked on and handled by the POs
- Design should follow the collaboration template on Miro
- Create enough tickets for the design team
10-day Design Cycle
- Test run a 10-day design sprint and how the factors outlined fall in place, or are left uncovered.
Feature categorization
- Attempt putting features into categories and see if it exceeds the timeline set for it
Categorization-based Research
- Test-run research based on feature category and see how profitable and efficient it is to deliver the task
- Consultants, External Audience, Maze tool
User testing (10-person mark/vote up)
- Let’s seek in-house volunteers who will be available during design demos or other times to test a design feature before it’s wrapped up and signed off. There must be a minimum number of yeses before a feature can be agreed upon as satisfactory.
Design QA on prod
- With the new features, let’s compare and contrast what is created in design and how it looks in prod. Call out issues and have them effected before signing off a dev ticket.